It’s hard to believe someone could feel lonely surrounded by millions of people in an urban metropolis. But the truth is, loneliness affects residents of all ages in major cities. The pain of feeling isolated when the world around seems to be having so much fun can be extremely depressing.

Moving to a new place, taking up a new job, losing a loved one, losing a job, falling ill, can make one feel lonely, depressed and helpless.

Not everyone who lives alone is lonely, of course. Research shows that the quality of social interactions makes people feel more fulfilled, as opposed to the quantity.

Even if someone spends most of their time in their studio apartment, they won’t feel a sense of loneliness if they spend some quality time with someone close

While loneliness is not unique to cities, best psychotherapists in India affirm that it is increasingly becoming more of an urban phenomenon, triggering rising rates of chronic physical and mental ailments. A pioneering global study – meta-analysis of more than 3.4 million participants – indicates that loneliness increases the risk of early death by 30 per cent.

Let us look at a few ways of dealing with urban loneliness:

Joining a Class or Club
Joining a class or a club automatically exposes a person to a group of people who share at least few common interests. It can provide a sense of belongingness, which can stimulate creativity and give something to look forward to.

Volunteering for a cause a person believes in can provide the same benefits as taking a class or joining a club: meeting others, being part of a group, and creating new experiences. It also helps one find more meaning and purpose in life. In addition to decreasing loneliness, this can bring greater happiness and life satisfaction.

Finding Support Online
Because loneliness is a somewhat widespread issue, there are many people online who are looking for people to connect with. Finding people with similar interests through social media might be helpful. However, excessive use of it can lead to feelings of loneliness even more. You can also look out for a mental health center in India to help yourself.

Strengthening Existing Relationships
A strong social support is beneficial for our mental health in various ways. Calling up old friends, checking up on known people creates a sense of belongingness. In the unprecedented times, where staying indoor is the wisest thing to do, virtual meetings can strengthen existing relationships and help combat feelings of loneliness.

Adopting a Pet
Pets offer so many benefits, and preventing loneliness is one of them. Rescuing a pet combines the benefits of altruism and companionship, and fights loneliness in several ways. Additionally, pets provide unconditional love, which can be a great salve for loneliness.

Practicing Self-Care
Self-care is always a good idea, especially when one is feeling low. Eating nutritious food, exercising, and getting enough sleep makes one physically and mentally healthy. Engagement in more activities and hobbies also gives a sense of pleasure and satisfaction and can act as an antidote to loneliness.

Seeking Professional Help
Research suggests that loneliness and symptoms of depression can perpetuate each other. Sometimes just “getting out there” and meeting other people isn’t enough. It’s possible to still feel lonely while around them, which could actually be a sign of clinical depression. It is recommended to seek help from best psychotherapist in India with feelings of loneliness, especially if other symptoms of depression are also present.

Whatever you do to combat loneliness, know that you are truly not alone, and there are many things you can do to feel more connected.