Our neuropsychologists at the Centre for Mental Health carry out neuropsychological testing in Pune, India. This involves an interview with our neuropsychologist and it is followed by a battery of neuropsychological tests conducted at the Centre for Mental Health, Pune. These neuropsychological tests assess cognitive functioning with a performance-based approach. Brain injury, brain damage, neurodegenerative disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, and severe mental illnesses have an impact on cognition and neuropsychological tests are used to examine these impacts.

Neuropsychological assessment in Pune, India, study the effects of brain conditions, identify the brain dysfunction based on their behavioural correlates, assess the consequences of brain injury, and help clients recover from, and cope with, brain impairment. Neuropsychological assessment is an objective and comprehensive assessment of a wide range of cognitive and behavioural areas of functioning, which the neuropsychologist integrates with intellectual and personality assessments and evaluates within the context of CT and MRI scans. Neuropsychological testing in Pune gives an in-depth assessment of the skills and abilities linked to brain function. Neuropsychological assessment in India, measure a wide range of abilities to determine an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. These evaluations measure areas such as attention, problem-solving, memory, language, I.Q., visual-spatial skills, academic skills, and social-emotional functioning.

Through neuropsychological assessment in Pune, one can identify, quantify and describe changes in behaviour that relate to the cognitive integrity of the brain. It provides useful information about the impact of a client’s limitations on his/her educational, social and vocational adjustment in the light of the illness/injury.

It is able to delineate an individual’s pattern of cognitive strengths and weaknesses relative to his/her ability.

The brain may often be injured in a variety of ways like head injury, stroke, infectious disorders, epilepsy, birth trauma, and neuro-developmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Prolonged brain damage can result in deep emotional, motivational and personality changes. Important indicators of neuropsychological impairment include trouble paying attention, difficulty in planning, retaining information, memory issues, frequently losing items or your way, difficulty recognizing familiar people, losing language fluency and vocabulary, getting confused in conversations, or having emotional difficulties. Such indications can be seen in any and all stages of life, right from children to the elderly.
Our neuropsychologists at the Centre for Mental Health are trained to conduct neuropsychological assessments and testing in Pune, India. Specialized training allows the neuropsychologist to select, administer, and interpret the particular tests and procedures that will yield the most comprehensive understanding of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses.

Neuropsychological Assessments

Neuropsychological Assessments

Neuropsychological assessments aim to apply what is known about the brain-behaviour relationships in the diagnosis and the rehabilitation of concerned individuals.

Neuropsychological assessment is an objective and comprehensive assessment of a wide range of cognitive and behavioural areas of functioning, which the neuropsychologist integrates with intellectual and personality assessments and evaluates within the context of CT and MRI scans.

Through neuropsychological assessment in Pune, one can identify, quantify and describe changes in behaviour that relate to the overall neuropsychological functioning of the brain. It provides useful information about the impact of a client’s limitations on his/her educational, social and vocational adjustment in the light of the illness/injury.

This neuropsychological assessment begins with a structured interview with our neuropsychologist. It is followed by comprehensive assessments that evaluate the functions of the different parts of the brain. Then, as per the deficits found, a number of approaches are used for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of the individual at the Centre for Mental Health, Pune.Generally, a neuropsychological assessment involves a wide variety of tasks, most of which are done sitting at a table without any invasive procedures. The assessment often takes 4 to 6 hours of face-to-face contact, but can vary widely depending on what information is being sought. The assessment can be scheduled in a single appointment or in a series of appointments

Neuropsychological Testing

Neuropsychological Testing

Neuropsychological tests are used to examine the impact of brain injury, brain damage, neurodegenerative disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, and severe mental illnesses on cognition and behaviour. These neuropsychological tests assess cognitive functioning with a performance-based approach.

Neuropsychological testing in Pune gives an in-depth assessment of the skills and abilities linked to brain function. The main objective is to help the patient achieve their optimum in the physical, psychological and social spheres.

It measures a wide range of abilities to determine an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. These evaluations measure areas such as attention, problem-solving, memory, language, intelligence, visual-spatial skills, academic skills, and social-emotional functioning.

Neuropsychological testing in Pune, India, hence, studies the effects of brain conditions, identifies the brain dysfunction based on their behavioural correlates, assesses the consequences of brain injury, and helps clients recover from, and cope with, brain impairment.

The following are the areas assessed in a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment in Pune, India

Memory Attention
Learning ability Initiating
Language and communication Problem solving
Mental speed Insight
Motor ability Abstract reasoning
Mental flexibility Judgement

How will the Neuropsychological assessments done by us at the Centre for
Mental Health, Pune, India help?

It can provide us with evidence that a brain injury has caused changes.

  • It gives us an idea of the persons level of functioning in daily activities
  • It helps identify what a person needs, to be successful, including adaptations and compensation strategies, supervision, learning style, or teaching strategies
  • It helps the individual understand how the injury has changed them
  • It also aids in educational and vocational planning
  • It helps caregivers see how people with the brain injury see themselves
  • It helps with the planning of rehabilitation or other treatment
  • It can document changes for legal purposes

In Neuropsychological testing in India, the clinician starts with structured interview, then administers tests and questionnaires, and then scores and interprets the results.

  • The interview aims to gather information about the medical and psychological history, the severity and the progression of cognitive symptoms, their impact on daily life, the patient’s awareness of the problem and their attitude, mood spontaneous speech and behaviour.
  • Neuropsychological assessments are intrinsically performance based, since the patients have to prove their cognitive abilities in the presence of the examiner. The tests are standardised, and so the procedures, materials and scoring are consistent.
  • The scoring and analysis of test results allow the clinician to identify any defective functions and to draw a coherent cognitive picture.

Please book a first consultation with a mental health professional of your choice, so that a thorough case history can be taken and the right assessments can be suggested.

Incase a mental health professional has referred any assessments, please email the referral letter to contact@centerformentalhealth.in, and our team will get in touch with you.

Frequent Search: Neuropsychologist in Pune, Neuropsychological Testing, Neuropsychological Assessment